"Over the past month, we knew the time was coming, and our sweet Diesel passed away in our arms yesterday. He was just a month shy of his 13th birthday. Letting him go was one of the toughest decisions we made, but knowing he is running free with some of his best buddies makes it a little easier. We spent the last week giving him any and everything he wanted, and yesterday he probably had 2 pounds of steak, rice krispie treats, a pint of Andy's Frozen Custard, and chocolate chip cookies.
We got Diesel as our 1-year anniversary present; I was ready to add a dog to our family, and I finally got Ben on board. He was the chunkiest puppy and soon grew to a very large American Bulldog.
He had a heart of gold, was my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my Andy's Frozen Custard partner in crime when we needed a sweet treat, hiking and lake lover, and was the last night buddy I needed for diaper changes/feedings with Cohen. I know Cohen quickly took my spot as Diesel's #1 human, and I was ok with it.
It's been less than 24 hours, and the click-clack of his nails on the hardwood, the jingle of his collar, and the wet nose in the middle of the night on my face is already missed.
Even though we got Diesel as a couple, deep down I know he was my "soul dog". I think Ben would even agree that he was mine. He went with me everywhere, even if it was a quick errand, I never wanted him to be alone.
To my Diesel Dog, I have been forever changed by your 4 big paws and all 135lbs of you. Goodbye for now, my sweet friend, but I'll see you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you to Peaceful Crossings, for allowing us to have those cherished final moments with our boy at home."
- Lindsey Sapp